Written on
August 20, 2019

How do i handle a protracted home insurance claim?

Losing a home can be a life-altering experience.

Losing a home can be a life-altering experience. Someone is not only displaced for the time being, but  they are also subjected to hours of paperwork and questions as they go back over their lives and try  to figure out what they had. The agent and adjuster, whether private or public, are at the heart of the process. Their job is to assist the homeowner as quickly as possible so that they can return to their  normal lives, but if the parties involved appear to be dragging their feet, it may be time to increase  the pressure. If their home insurance claim appears to be taking longer than it should, they can do the  following. 

1. Make contact with the agent. 

The first step in this procedure is to contact the case's agent and inquire as to why the claim is taking  longer than they believe it should (the normal time can vary since some claims involve a total house  loss or just the loss of a few shingles). If required, they should meet with the agent in person to discuss  the issues they are experiencing and to seek for assistance with the procedure. Ask them if they would  be willing to call the claims department for an answer or to start things going. Most agents love happy  customers and are here to help, so ask them. 

2. Consult with the Adjuster. 

An adjuster is the person in charge of assessing all property claims, and how quickly they work will  determine how quickly a claim is completed. Be frank; homeowners should question them directly  what element of the process is taking so long and what they can do to help possibly. They should offer  whatever resources are required, and then inquire as to what remains on their end. After that is taken  care of, homeowners should inquire about a general schedule for when the work will be completed. 

3. Speak with a manager. 

After speaking with their agent and adjuster, a homeowner should ask to speak with their immediate  managers and inform them of the target dates they were given. Tell them about any worries they  might have about the process, as well as any information you have about how it's going so far. 

4. Make contact with the government. 

Almost every state has an insurance department that holds insurance firms accountable for how they  handle claims and allows customers to register a complaint if they believe the company has not  behaved in good faith. Keep in mind that what a homeowner may perceive to be a lengthy, drawn-out  process may not be so in reality, so trust the government's decision. 

5. Take legal action if necessary. 

Although this should be a homeowner's last alternative, if they believe the insurance company is not  acting in good faith with their claim, they should see an insurance lawyer. If they discover the company  was careless or negligent, they may be entitled to further compensation and a settlement. 

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